As the Village family, we stay connected! You're an ambassador for Village Schools. We're delighted with all that God is doing through you in the world, and we want to stay in touch. Update your info, submit ideas for the VSB Update newsletter, connect on Facebook and more....
Sign up for the VSB Update newsletter.
Sign up and get the latest newsletter delivered right to your inbox. This is a free subscription published around 4 times a year with VSB stories and news for the entire Village family. This is a key way to stay connected to what's happening at VSB -- whether you live right here in the Twin Cities, across the country, or anywhere else in the world. Keep up to date with the latest events, seminars and courses.
Follow social!
VSB blogs are posted at least twice a month and deal with topical issues in our culture. It's a great way to think about how faith intersects with everyday life. Stay connected on the VSB Facebook site: it's another way to connect professionally with other VSB alumni. Follow us on Twitter for ongoing spiritual encouragement.
Find an alumnus
Find an old friend or get in touch with former classmates by letting us know who you are trying to find. Contact us for more information.
Share alumni news
We're always looking to celebrate what God is doing through our alumni in upcoming issues of the VSB Update, so let us know what's happening. Let us know about your prayer needs. Keep us informed about changes in your family, work, church or community life. We need to know your story -- keep our Village family aware of what's going on in your life by submitting alumni news. Our newsletter and blog editors love hearing your suggestions for topics and stories to cover. Have an idea? Let us know!
Update your profile
Moved? New email address? We'd love to keep in touch with you! Please help us keep our records up to date. Let us know if any of the following information changes:
- Name (has your last name changed since you were at VSB?)
- Email
- Phone number
- Postal address