Summer Classes 2023

Online and in-person classes available this summer!

  • Post exilic Prophets: Haggai, Zecheriah & Malachi

    Thursdays | 6:30-8:30 pm CST | June 15 - July 13th

    Cost: $40

    Teacher: Ryan Habbena | Virtual class | REGISTER

    It was a time of great distress and difficulty for the people of Israel.  The crisis of exile was being experienced by all the tribes of Jacob.   In His grace, the Lord led a remnant back to the land to rebuild and restore.  Join Ryan Habbena for a four-week class that explores the prophetic word during this time of salvation history.  We will see a people reborn in the land as well as the intensified hope and prophecy of the coming Messiah.  

  • The Book of James: Faith in everyday life

    TUeSDAYS | 6:30-8:30 PM | JUNE 6 - July 18

    COST: $60

    Teacher: Dr. John Mayer | In-person class | REGISTER

    The book of James is the oldest written book in the New Testament and was written by the brother of Jesus. This book is concerned with the practical aspects of Christian conduct and it tells us how faith works in everyday life. Faith and works, the use of our tongue, prayer for the sick, and wisdom are some of the key themes in this book.

    Class location: Living Waters Church

    22222 Dodd Blvd, Lakeville, MN 55044

  • the holy spirit in today's world

    mondays | 6:30-8:00 pm CST | May 15th - July 24th

    cost $100

    Teacher: Dr. Harvey Martin | Zoom class | REGISTER

    The Holy Spirit is perhaps the least understood member of the Trinity. Become reacquainted with the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Among the many voices competing for attention in our busy world, learn how to discern His leading correctly. Understand how He can energize us to live in our world for God's purposes. This class will reignite your faith!


    WEDNESDAYS | 6:30-8:30 PM | MAY 31ST - AUGUST 2ND (not consecutive)

    COST: $25

    Teacher: Dr. John Mayer | In-person class | REGISTER

    This is an amazing 8-week class on the unfolding history of God’s redeeming love. Each lesson is a 30,000 foot, two-hour biblical study from Genesis to Revelation. 

    The Big Picture is for those investigating the claims of Jesus Christ. This 8-week course is for new believers who desire a foundational understanding of God’s Word. As a refresher course, mature believers will benefit from The Big Picture as well.

    Class location: Westwood Community Church-Bush Lake Campus

                               6301 Cecilia Circle, Bloomington, MN 55439