Summer Classes 2024

Online and in-person classes available this summer!


    THURSDAYS | 6:30-8:30 PM | APR 25TH - MAY 23RD

    COST: $75

    Teacher: Prof. Art Hill | In-person class | COMPLETED

    This workshop series is designed for Christians seeking personal application of Biblical truth. These practical workshops help people clarify their God-given life purpose and unlock their full potential. They foster personal growth and integration with all facets of life. Whether you’re looking to manage stress, improve time management or simply live with greater intention, this research-based workshop series provides the practical tools and strategies you need to live out your faith in a way that is productive, effective and tailored for your unique situation.

    Class location: Westgate Church

    705 County Rd 101, Plymouth, MN 55439

  • the holy spirit in today's world

    mondays | 6:00-8:00 pm CST | May 13th - July 8th

    cost $125

    Teacher: Dr. Harvey Martin | Zoom class | IN-SESSION

    The Holy Spirit is perhaps the least understood member of the Trinity. Become reacquainted with the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Among the many voices competing for attention in our busy world, learn how to discern His leading correctly. Understand how He can energize us to live in our world for God's purposes. This class will reignite your faith!


    Thursdays | 6:30-8:30 pm CST | MAY 30TH - JUNE 20TH

    Cost: $50

    Teacher: Ryan Habbena | Zoom class | COMPLETED

    The Exodus is a climactic and pivotal event in salvation history.  The deliverance of the people of Israel out of Egypt and the events in its wake are crucial to understand if we are going to grasp the message of the Bible.  Join teacher Ryan Habbena this summer for a four week tour of the Exodus and the Wilderness Wanderings and the mighty implications it has for our walk in Jesus.