Learn about the benefits and service available to Village alumni. It's not just about discounted courses!
Request a Transcript
Heading to university? Cover-to-Cover transcripts for credit transfer students are available through the VSB Office.
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Attending events is a great way to get in touch with fellow alumni and make professional connections. We can help you network with other VSB alums.
VSB classroom and library
The main classroom at the VSB center, conveniently situated near the 394 and 494 intersection, can accommodate a class of 30, and is SMARTBoard-equipped with laptop and WiFi connection, and whiteboards. When not in use, we welcome use of this work space for occasional meetings or presentations. Contact the VSB office for availability and pricing.
Book store
Get Monty-era devotional classics, such as founder Monty Sholund's Musings on the Psalms. Other books for purchase include Max Frazier's Knowing and Growing, and VSB's signature Cover-to-Cover textbooks. Contact the Office for details.
Participate in events like the VSB Annual Celebration and Graduation held each May, VSB prayer evenings, guest seminars, and more. Events keep you connected to the Village family and your fellow alumni. See our calendar and events here.
Cover-to-Cover Bible Study
As a Cover-to-Cover alum, you're well prepared to lead a Bible Study and disciple others through God's Word. We are ready to prepare and equip you with the resources you need to lead Bible Study the best way possible: Cover-to-cover through the whole Counsel of God! Let us know. We're here to help.